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Latest Updates

Update Jan. 17 @ 7pm: Entry numbers posted. If you want some hunter points, this is a great time to show in some divisions with low numbers! TENTATIVE: we will have limited trailer parking on the derby field adjacent to the indoor. 

Jumper Divisions: Jumpers at 2' and above will be automatically added in a division if the rider enters both classes at the height, e.g. Puddle Division = #52+53; TB Division = #60+61. Note that there must be 2 riders per class for points to count. See prize list for more details.

Schooling: There are now 3 schooling options for the competition ring: (1) before the show starts (7-7:45am) for morning schooling; (2) between the conclusion of jumper classes and the start of hunters; and (3) a small in gate schooling area available for immediately before rider's FIRST over fence classes. Stay tuned for details about the rules for smooth operation. 

ScheduleWe will run all jumpers and then run all hunters. The jumpers will once again start with the higher classes (2'9" and above) and the go down to poles and build up from there.

Online Entries


All entries are online on Strider. It is easy:

Step 1: Register for a Show

🌐 Visit Strider:

📅 Select Your Show and click “Register” button.

✅ Pick Classes: Check the boxes for the classes you want to enter.

📄 Upload Key Documents – Release & Coggins - if you create an account these docs will be on file for future shows.

💳 Pay Your Way: Pay with PayPal, credit card, or Venmo directly on Strider.

Step 2: OPTION: Set Up Your Strider Account

🖊️ Click link to create an account - it takes seconds and it is FREE! or Continue as Guest - either way is no problem.

📅 Select Your Show. PRO TIP: Put "Beverly" in Key Word search field.

Follow Step 1.

If for some reason you cannot sign up online, email your information (rider name, horse name, owner name, coggins, and release) to the show secretary and pre-pay on Venmo or Zelle. Please note that there will be a $35 office fee for all manual (not online) entries.

Incomplete entries (meaning all information and release + coggins) not received prior to 10pm on the Thursday before the show date will be charged a mandatory late fee of $35.

Class List

Entry Fees At A Glance

  • $25 per hunter class, $70 per division

  • $35 per equitation class

  • $35 per jumper class, divisions at all levels 2' and above (2 classes) 

  • $35 per paper/post entry or supporting documentation received after Thursday before the show.

  • $40 per horse noncompeting fee

  • NO CHANGE FEES for changes done by competitor online via Strider.

Make Changes

Plans change—adjusting your entry is simple! You are welcome to add classes on the day of the show with NO CHANGE FEES as long as you register online through Strider by the closing date. 


📧 Access Your Entry: Use the link in your confirmation email or log into your Rider Area.

🖊️ Edit Your Entry: Click the ✏️ pencil icon to make changes.

✅ Add or deselect classes by clicking the checkboxes in the “Selections” tile.

💵 Strider instantly recalculates your balance. Pay any new fees or apply credits with ease. NO CHANGE FEES FOR CHANGING ONLINE.

With Beverly's hi-speed internet you can drive your own entry process and SKIP THE LINE at the show secretary.


If you cannot make it, let the show secretary know. Refunds will be granted for scratches of Strider entries made before the closing date (Thursday before each show) less a $50 office fee; otherwise, the show will maintain a credit on file for the full amount of the entry (less late fees) for use at another show within a year.

Refunds for classes cancelled outside of management's control (e.g., weather, judge's decision, etc.) will be granted in management's discretion. Show manager reserves the right to combine or cancel classes if there are insufficient entries.

NEW Schedule 

This is a TENTATIVE schedule.

7-7:45AM Schooling

8–10AM High Jumpers  

  • Low Jumper & Child/Adult 2’9” (#58-59)

  • TB 2’9” Jumper (#60-61)

  • Low Jumper & Child/Adult 3’ (#62-63)

  • Schooling Jumper 3’3 (#64-65)

  • Modified Jumper 3’6” 3’9” 4’ (#66-68)

Development Jumpers 

  • Poles (#50)

  • X-Rails (#51)​​

Recognized Jumpers (BHSA and/or VHSA)

  • Puddle Jumper 2’-2’3” (#52-53)

  • Novice Jumper & Child/AA 2’3”- 2’6” (#54-55)

  • Novice Jumper & Child/AA 2'6"-3' (#56-57)

Schooling Break for Hunter Classes

Pleasure & Equitation Recognized (under saddle)

  • Pleasure Pony (#1-3, 103)

  • Junior Hunter Pleasure (#4-6, 106)

  • Adult Pleasure (#19-21, 121) – Note that this class has been moved up in the schedule 

  • Equitation On the Flat: Junior (#7-8)

  • Equitation On the Flat: Adult (#9)

SS/Adult Pleasure Classes (BHSA)

  • Short Stirrup 18” (#10-12, 112)

  • Long Stirrup 18” (#13-15, 115)

  • Student Equitation 2’ (#16-18, 118)

Recognized Hunters (BHSA/VHSA)

In Gate Final School (immediately before FIRST over fences round)

  • Low Hunter 2’-2’3” (#22-24, 124)

  • Limit Hunter 2’-2’3” (#25-27, 127)

  • Child/Adult 2’6” or 3’ (#28-30, 130)

  • TB 2’6” (#31-33, 133)

  • Green 2’6 or 2’9” (#34-36, 136)

  • Working 2’6” or 2’9” (#37-39, 139)




The rings are open for schooling up until 15 minutes before the start of the show. A number is required for schooling in the competition ring(s). For INDOOR ONLY shows, an additional schooling break will occur after the conclusion of the jumper classes and before the hunter classes. Additional schooling breaks may be provided in the discretion of management. There is no lunging in the competition or schooling rings.

SDH Photography will be onsite to photograph your rounds and capture your memories at the Beverly H/J shows.


Photos will be online to view and purchase 24 hours after the show ends.


You can purchase digital downloads (single and packages) and prints. Digitals are immediately delivered to your email.


Thank you for supporting your horse show photographer!

View your gallery here.

Check our SDH Photography's Facebook.

Facility Rules

  • Release required.

  • Negative coggins required for all horses.

  • No cross country schooling.

  • No dogs.

  • Noncompeting horses must register as such on Strider and pay the $40 non-compete horse fee. It is important that we have a release and a negative coggins on file for every horse on the property. Again, we appreciate your understanding as bio security and safety is our top concern.

Day Stalls

There are a limited number of day stalls available at the Beverly shows. The stalls are located in our overflow/rehab barn. Please see the map for orientation to the competition arenas. Stalls are $50 per night and do not include shavings or any buckets. Day stalls are available on a first come first serve basis. Please email the show secretary to reserve and pay in advance. Refunds for unused stalls will only be granted if the stall(s) can be relet to a waitlist and then subject to a $35 office fee.


We understand that this show is for the benefit of local competitors and for many first timers.  

However, we must enforce all applicable rules for classes regarding refusals and elimination.

Please respect the in gate and show staff if you are asked to leave the ring due to refusals, reckless riding, unsafe riding, or any other reason in the discretion of show management.


Welfare Statement

Beverly adheres to the USEF rules regarding horse welfare. For more information, visit here.


Every rider who goes in the arena and starts a course receives a participation ribbon!

After your classes, check out with the show secretary to pay for any added rounds and check on your results.

Please note that ribbons will not be mailed, but if you remind us, we will try to have the ribbons available for pick up at the next show.

Ship Ins

Ship ins are not currently available for schooling the competition course or otherwise.

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