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Understanding Jumper Scoring at the Beverly Winter Show Series

Welcome to the Winter Hunter/Jumper Indoor Show Series graciously presented by the Salamander Collection. You may be looking at the prize list and wondered what are these “tables” in the descriptions and how does this all work?

Class Descriptions in General

1. Table II, Sec. 1 – Speed Round

  • Format: One round only.

  • Scoring: Riders aim for the fastest time with no faults. Faults (e.g., knocking rails, stopping, or circling on course) place you lower, even if your time is better.

2. Table II, Sec. 2(c) – Power and Speed

  • Format: One continuous course split into two phases:

    • Power Phase: Stay clear within the time allowed.

    • Speed Phase: If clear, proceed immediately to the second phase to ride for the fastest time.

  • Score: A fault in the power phase ends the ride; you won’t move on to the speed phase, and will receive no placing.

3. Table II, Sec. 2(b) – Jump Off

  • Format: Two rounds

    • First Round: Complete the course with no jumping faults and within the time allowed.

    • Second Round (Jump-Off): If there are no jumping or time faults, stay in the ring and wait for the buzzer to start the jump off round, a shortened course ridden against the clock.

  • Scoring: The fastest clear of the jump off (or combined jump and time faults if no clears) determine placings for each class.

Jumper Divisions on the Prize List

The first two classes (50/51) are one round “speed classes.” Because there is only one class at each height, there is no division or Champion/Reserve pinned.

The next three pairs of classes (52/53, 54/55, and 56/57) constitute two classes at the same height and are judged as a division for those riders who compete in both, pursuant to VHSA and BHSA rules. The first class in the division is a speed class and the second class is a power and speed class.

The next four pairs of classes (58/59; 60/61; 61/62; and 63/64) constitute two classes at the same height and are judged as a division for those riders who compete in both. The first class in the division is a speed round and the second class at the height is a jump off class.

Important Scoring Notes

For riders who wish to compete in more than one round in each numbered class, only the first round is judged for placing, meaning the second round is an unjudged schooling round. The price per round does not change whether it is judged or unjudged.

For classes to count for VHSA/BHSA points, there must be at least two riders who complete the course.

In Gate Rules

Riders are responsible for informing the in-gate what class they are doing. If they do not or it is unclear, their first round will be judged as a speed and the second will be judged as a power and speed or jump off, as the case may be. If you do not clearly tell the in gate, you may not be judged the way you wish.

Final Tips

  • Always confirm your classes with the in-gate crew.

  • For questions, consult the show office for clarification.

  • In all cases, BHSA and VHSA rules trump organizer rules in scoring matters. If those rules are silent, equivalent or comparable USEF rules will control.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in the ring—ride safe and have fun! 🐴


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